Nevada Law

What Is the Nevada Left Lane Law

Learn Nevada's left lane from an experienced Las Vegas car accident attorney.

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Understanding Nevada's Left Lane Law

Nevada's left-lane law promotes safer and more efficient driving on our highways and freeways. It's outlined in Nevada Revised Statues (NRS) 484B.627, which covers using the left lane on multi-lane roads.

Nevada Left Lane Law

Nevada's left lane law can be summarized as:

The left lane on a multi-lane road should be used to pass slower traffic which is traveling in the same direction. Once you’ve passed a vehicle, move back to the right lane as soon as it’s safe to do so.

Exceptions to the Left Lane Law

There are a few instances where a vehicle can be in the far left lane without passing:

  • Traffic or congestion makes it impossible to be in the right lane.

  • Adverse weather requires you to be in the left lane for safety.

  • You're being directed to do so by a law enforcement officer.

  • You're preparing to exit the roadway via a left turn.

  • There's an obstruction or hazard in the right lane, such as highway construction.

Penalties for Breaking the Left Lane Law

Nevada has tough penalties for extreme left-lane violators.

The penalties are intended to discourage extreme left-lane abuse and make driving on Nevada's highways and multi-lane roads safer and more efficient.


Extreme Left-lane violators are usually fined. Amounts vary by circumstance and jurisdiction. Fines for left lane abuse are generally around $50 to $250.

Repeat offenders will be fined more and could face more severe punishments.

Demerit Points

In addition to fines, left-lane violators will receive demerit points on their records. Demerit points can lead to higher insurance rates and possible suspension of driving privileges.

For example, one violation will add 2 to 4 points to your record. If you get 12 or more points in 12 months, your license will be suspended.

How to Avoid the Penalties

To avoid left lane penalties:

  • Use the Left Lane Only for Passing: Move back to the right lane after you pass a slower vehicle.

  • Follow Traffic: Stay in the right lane if you're driving at or below the speed limit or slower than the traffic flow.

  • Follow the Signs: Follow any signs or signals that tell you which lane to be in.

Which Vehicles Can Use the Left-Hand Lane?

Nevada's left lane law (NRS 484B.627) explains how to use the left lane on multi-lane roadways. The left lane is for passing, but specific scenarios and types of vehicles can be used under certain conditions.

Passenger Vehicles

Passenger cars, SUVs, and motorcycles can use the left lane if they're using it to pass other vehicles. These are the most common users of the left lane for passing.

Commercial Vehicles

Larger commercial vehicles (trucks and buses) and high occupancy vehicles can use the left lane to pass slower vehicles or under the above conditions.

However, due to their size and speed limitations, they are encouraged to use the right lanes to keep traffic flowing smoothly.

Emergency Vehicles

An Authorized emergency vehicle, such as a police car, ambulance, or fire truck, is exempt from the left lane rules when responding to an emergency. They can use the left lane (and any lane) as needed to get through traffic to their destination.

Permitted Vehicles

Vehicles with special permits (oversized loads, construction, etc.) can use the left lane according to their official duties or under safe and legal conditions.

When May You Use the Left-Hand Lane?

Knowing when to use the left lane on Nevada's highways and multi-lane roads is vital to keeping traffic moving safely and efficiently. According to NRS 484B.627, the left lane is for passing slower traffic, but there are several scenarios where it's allowed.


The left lane's most common and primary use is for passing slower traffic. Once passed, move back to the right lane when it's safe to do so. This keeps the left lane clear for other passing traffic.

Left Turn or Exit

Vehicles planning to make a left turn or use a left exit ramp may occupy the left lane to position themselves for the turn or exit.

Heavy Traffic and Congestion

In heavy traffic or congestion, vehicles moving at the same speed may use all lanes, including the left lane. A police officer will refrain from enforcing the left lane law in heavy traffic conditions.

Law Enforcement Directions

Drivers must follow the directions of law enforcement and an official traffic control device, which may require the use of the left lane. Compliance is key to keeping the roads safe.


In emergencies, vehicles may need to use the left lane to avoid an auto accident or reach a safe location. This includes situations where a driver needs to quickly change lanes to avoid a collision or other imminent danger.

Talk with a Car Accident Attorney Today

If you were in a traffic incident in Las Vegas and want to seek maximum compensation for your injuries and damages, contact the experienced car accident attorneys at The Rodney Okano Car Accident Lawyer Law Firm.

With over 20+ years of experience in personal injury and Nevada law, our attorneys are expert negotiators with a deep understanding of liability and traffic laws, which we'll use to win your case.

Schedule a free consultation with a car accident lawyer today by calling (702) 566-3600 or submitting a message.