Car Accidents

What Are the Most Common Types of Car Accidents

Learn the most common types of car accidents and their causes from an experienced Las Vegas car accident lawyer.

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Most Common Types of Car Accidents

Car accidents have various forms, with each having its own injuries and damages.

Understanding the common types of car collisions can significantly decrease your chances of ending up in a car accident.

1. Rear-End Collisions

Rear-end collisions are the most common type of car accident, with about 29% of car accidents that result in serious injuries being rear-end accidents. They occur when one vehicle strikes the back of another.

Rear-end accidents typically happen in congested traffic, stoplights, and intersections and are commonly caused by tailgating, distracted driving, speeding, or adverse weather conditions.

While rear-end collisions usually result in minor injuries compared to other car crash types, such as head-on collisions, rear-end accidents can result in the common yet significant injury, whiplash, which could result in neck and lower back pain.

2. Side-Impact Collisions

A side-impact collision, also known as a T-bone car accident, is a common motor vehicle accident in which the front of one vehicle strikes the sides of another, forming a "T" shape.

Most side-impact collisions occur in intersections where the driver fails to yield the right of way to oncoming traffic, resulting in a side-impact collision.

T-bone car accidents can often result in fatal accidents as the side of vehicles provides less protection compared to the front or rear.

3. Head-On Collisions

Head-on car accidents are one of the most dangerous types of motor vehicle accidents and the leading cause of fatal accidents in the US, with about 10% of accidents being head-on impact collisions.

A head-on motor vehicle accident occurs when the front ends of two vehicles collide with each other. Most head-on collisions occur due to reckless driving, distracted driving, and drunk driving.

4. Sideswipe Accidents

Sideswipe accidents happen when the sides of two vehicles traveling in the same or opposite direction collide.

Sideswipe traffic accidents are typically caused by an unsafe lane change or a driver drifting out of their lane.

While a sideswipe auto accident will usually result in minor injuries and damages, it can be a particularly serious traffic accident if a vehicle is forced off the road and into another lane of traffic.

5. Single-Vehicle Accidents

Single-vehicle car crashes makeup around 25% of car collisions in the US and can occur for various reasons, such as:

  • Losing control of the vehicle and hitting a stationary object
  • Driver error
  • Reckless/Aggressive Driving
  • Mechanical Failures

Single-car accidents can be surprisingly dangerous if the driver is exceeding the speed limit and collides with a fixed object such as a pole or tree.

6. Multi-Vehicle Accidents

Multi-vehicle accidents involve three or more vehicles and usually occur on highways or in heavy traffic conditions where chain reactions are prime to occur.

Multi-car collisions can be devastating accidents that could result in fatalities, such as the one in Las Vegas.

7. Rollover Car Crashes

A rollover car crash occurs when a vehicle flips onto its side or roof. It is common in vehicles with a higher center of gravity, such as trucks and SUVs, and can be caused by a vehicle taking sharp turns, overcorrecting, or traveling over the speed limit.

Rollover traffic accidents can become particularly dangerous and even fatal if the occupants are not wearing seatbelts, as they may be tossed around during the car accident.

8. Hit-and-Run Accidents

In a hit-and-run car accident, one of the drivers involved in the auto accident flees the scene without providing contact information or being cleared to leave by law enforcement.

A hit-and-run car accident can involve pedestrians, cyclists, or other vehicle drivers and results in numerous legal and financial problems.

What Are the Common Causes of Car Accidents

Car accidents can happen for numerous reasons, and by understanding the reasons, you will be able to take preventative measures to avoid them.

Common causes of car accidents are:

  • Distracted Driving: One of the leading causes of motor vehicle accidents is distracted driving, with the number of traffic fatalities caused by distracted driving rising every year.
  • Speeding: Driving above the speed limit could result in a driver missing a traffic signal or not being able to stop in time, which could result in an accident.
  • Drunk Driving: Driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs impairs a driver's reaction time and judgment, making a car crash more likely.
  • Adverse Weather Conditions: A common cause of accidents is adverse weather conditions such as rain, snow, ice, or fog, which make it harder for drivers to control their vehicles.
  • Driver Fatigue: Drivers who operate their vehicle while being tried almost pose similar risks as drunk drivers as the driver suffers similar effects such as slower section times, impaired judgment, and lessened reaction times.

If you were injured in an auto accident in Las Vegas, don't hesitate on your personal injury claim and contact us today.

Talk with a Las Vegas Car Accident Lawyer Today

If you were injured in a car accident in Las Vegas, speak with an experienced Las Vegas car accident lawyer from The Rodney Okano Car Accident Lawyer Law Firm; with over 20+ years of experience in personal injury law, your car accident case will be handled by Nevada's best.

Our lawyers have a deep understanding of the legal process behind a car accident case and ties to the Las Vegas community, which ensures that you receive maximum compensation in your personal injury claim.

Speak with one of your car accident lawyers today by calling (702) 566-3600.